Henri Freycinet Harbour

Henri Freycinet Harbour also known as Freycinet Estuary is one of the inner gulfs of Shark Bay World Heritage area that lies to the west of the Peron Peninsula.[1]

It has a significantly larger number of islands compared to Hamelin Pool - and has a number of smaller peninsulas known as 'prongs' on its northern area. It has also been identified as a critical dugong habitat area. [2]

It is situated within the Shark Bay Marine Park [3]



  1. ^ "SHARK BAY.". The West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879-1954) (Perth, WA: National Library of Australia): p. 29. 25 October 1935. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article32919222. Retrieved 10 July 2011. 
  2. ^ Holley, David K., Lawler, Ivan R., and Gales, Nicholas J. (2006) Summer survey of dugong distribution and abundance in Shark Bay reveals additional key habitat area. Wildlife Research, 33 (3). pp. 243-250. ISSN 1448-5494
  3. ^ Western Australia. Dept. of Environment and Conservation.(2007) Shark Bay terrestrial reserves and proposed reserve additions : draft management plan 2007 Department of Environment and Conservation ; Conservation Commission of Western Australia. Bentley, W.A. Dept. of Environment and Conservation maps p.254 and 255